Hi there everyone.
UPDATE (October 2013)
I've fallen into a good skincare routine, and my skin has been a lot less dry.
As such, I've been trialing this again, and have found it to be much better on my skin!
I figured I should come back and let you know that I'm actually pretty fond of this CC cream now that my skin is less dry.
But if you have periods of very dry skin, it's probably best to stick with something more moisturising. I still think that the Aqua UV CC cream is better than this one, because it is more hydrating, but I'm much less disappointed with this CC cream and will continue to use it when my skin isn't too dry.
Initial review (July 2013)
I was in the market for a new BB cream and went into Face Shop where I discovered their new CC creams. Having never tried a CC cream before, I decided to buy the Smart Capsule CC cream. CC stands for Colour Control or Colour Correcting. CC creams are lighter than BB creams and are designed to even out your skin tone and brighten your complexion.
(Click images to enlarge)
Also, I currently lack photo editing software. So what you see is pretty much what my skin is like in real life. I guess that's good news for you, but bad for me. You get to see how rubbish my skin is! ;P
My splotchy skin :P
After I cleanse and moisturise, my face is very unevenly coloured.
I have dry skin, but an oily T-zone. |
White coloured CC cream, prior to blending |
With Smart Capsule CC Cream |
My Review:
The texture: Okay... So as you can probably see in that last picture, my skin looks really dry with this cream on. This cream is not moisturising at all and even though I put a moisturiser on beforehand, the cream still makes my skin look flaky. Not a great look. It might be because of the cooler weather lately in Sydney. My skin has definitely been a lot dryer. My lips have been too! So I'm going to try this CC cream again once my skin has adjusted to the cold.
The colour: I love the way it makes my skin look from a distance. It evens out my skin tone and provides pretty good coverage of pimples (I swear I never get pimples... what is up with my skin!?). As you can see, the cream is white in colour but as you blend it into your skin, it auto-corrects to match your skin tone! No idea how it works, but it does!
The smell: This cream smells wonderful. It's not chemically, but fresh. It's not overpowering and doesn't smell at all like sun screen (which is one thing I hate with high SPF creams). 10/10 for smell.
The packaging: I really like the way you dispense this cream. You push the top down and the cream is dispensed in the centre. One pump gives you enough for your entire face and the cream doesn't get exposed to any air or moisture. Hopefully this bottle lasts me a while.
The verdict: At the moment, I can't say I recommend this to anyone who has dry skin. I'll test to see if I get better results when my skin has adjusted to the cooler weather. I will also see if applying the cream with a sponge or brush improves the texture on my skin.
I'm going to give this a 6/10.
Still getting used to photos of me smiling. I'm stuck with a mouth full of metal for the next 2 years (well... 23 months now). It's rather uncomfortable. But I'm looking forward to having lovely teeth eventually! No pain, no gain!
Thanks for reading guys. Leave me a comment!